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7 Ways to Change Your Parenting in the Teenage Years


Parenting during the teenage years can be challenging as adolescents navigate the delicate balance between independence and guidance. It’s a time when your child is developing their identity, and your role as a parent evolves. To foster a healthy parent-teen relationship and help your teenager thrive, consider these seven ways to adapt and change your parenting approach.

1. Active Listening:

  • Change: Instead of giving immediate solutions or advice, practice active listening. Allow your teenager to express their thoughts and feelings without interruption.
  • Why: Active listening helps build trust and open communication. It shows that you value their perspective, even if you don’t always agree.

2. Empathy and Understanding:

  • Change: Try to understand your teenager’s perspective, even if it’s different from yours. Empathize with their challenges and emotions.
  • Why: Empathy fosters a supportive environment and helps your teenager feel heard and validated.

3. Open Communication:

  • Change: Encourage open dialogue by creating a non-judgmental space for discussions. Let your teenager know they can talk to you about anything.
  • Why: Open communication builds a strong parent-child bond and allows you to address concerns and issues together.

4. Respect Privacy:

  • Change: Respect your teenager’s need for privacy. Avoid invading their personal space or constantly checking their devices.
  • Why: Respecting privacy demonstrates trust and independence, crucial for their development.

5. Setting Boundaries Together:

  • Change: Involve your teenager in setting boundaries and rules. Discuss the reasons behind them and reach mutual agreements.
  • Why: Involving them in rule-making encourages responsibility and accountability.

6. Model Healthy Behavior:

  • Change: Be a role model by demonstrating healthy behaviors, including effective communication, managing stress, and handling conflicts peacefully.
  • Why: Modeling these behaviors sets a positive example for your teenager to follow.

7. Encourage Independence:

  • Change: Allow your teenager to make age-appropriate decisions and take responsibility for their actions. Offer guidance when needed.
  • Why: Encouraging independence helps them develop life skills and confidence.


Parenting during the teenage years requires adaptability and a willingness to change your approach. By practicing active listening, empathy, and open communication, respecting privacy, setting boundaries together, modeling healthy behavior, and encouraging independence, you can foster a positive and supportive environment for your teenager’s growth and development.

FAQs on Parenting in the Teenage Years

Q: Why is active listening important when parenting teenagers?

A: Active listening is crucial because it allows teenagers to express themselves, feel heard, and fosters open communication. It shows that you value their perspective and builds trust in your parent-child relationship.

Q: How can I practice active listening effectively with my teenager?

A: To practice active listening, give your full attention when your teenager talks, avoid interrupting, and ask open-ended questions to encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings.

Q: What is the significance of empathy in parenting teenagers?

A: Empathy helps parents understand their teenagers’ emotions and challenges. It creates a supportive environment where teenagers feel validated and cared for, strengthening the parent-teen bond.

Q: How can I show empathy to my teenager when I don’t agree with their choices?

A: You can show empathy by acknowledging their feelings and perspectives, even if you don’t agree. It’s about understanding their point of view without necessarily endorsing their decisions.

Q: Why is setting boundaries together important in parenting teenagers?

A: Involving teenagers in setting boundaries promotes a sense of responsibility and ownership. It helps them understand the reasons behind rules and encourages cooperation.

Q: What should I do if my teenager disagrees with the boundaries we’ve set together?

A: If disagreements arise, engage in open discussions to find common ground. Listen to their concerns and consider adjusting boundaries if it’s reasonable and safe to do so.

Q: How can I be a positive role model for my teenager?

A: Being a positive role model involves demonstrating healthy behaviors, such as effective communication, stress management, and conflict resolution. Show them how to navigate life’s challenges gracefully.

Q: Is it normal for teenagers to seek more independence, and how should I encourage it?

A: Yes, seeking independence is a natural part of adolescence. Encourage independence by allowing them to make age-appropriate decisions, take responsibility, and learn from their experiences while providing guidance and support.

Q: What if my teenager is not open to communication or actively resists it?

A: If your teenager is not open to communication, be patient and persistent. Create opportunities for discussions without pressure, and let them know you’re there when they’re ready to talk.

Q: What if I make mistakes in my parenting approach during the teenage years?

A: Parenting is a learning journey, and everyone makes mistakes. If you make a mistake, acknowledge it, apologize if necessary, and use it as an opportunity for growth and improvement in your relationship with your teenager.

Remember that each teenager is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Flexibility and understanding are key as you navigate this transformative phase together.

Father give us the wisdom to navigate this transformative phase together with our teens, in Jesus Name, Amen,